Friday, February 08, 2008

GMail's WebClips

I don't know how many people use them, or even notice them, but GMail's WebClips are a pretty useful and entertaining source of daily trivia/news (anyway you want to look at it).

I know what I'm going to hear... "I'm an RSS poweruser." "There's Google Reader (or replace your favorite aggregator here)."

But the bottom line is, if you are as much of an email junkie as I am, your GMail is always open, whereas your aggregator, you open once a day, and you're done with it. Besides, with an aggregator, you'll probably configure your feeds. You can do that with GMail also, but I suggest add new ones, but leave the ones that are there already, be.

Here's why. You will read random (and interesting) stuff from sources, at random times that you'd probably have vetoed off before you ever saw it. And it is non-interfering. If you don't like it... click ">".

And just to keep you interested... Look what I found today on a WebClip:
Kirsten Dunst: The Latest to Check into Rehab.

Yay, finally she won't look drugged on the next installment of spiderman... (and much more hopefully, she'll die of withdrawal symptoms :) ).

There was another one, a quote, by some famous actress of the age old days who said something derogatory about having sound in the movies... :p I'll look it up and edit this post later :D.
EDIT: It was Mary Pickford who said, "Adding sound to movies would be like putting lipstick on the Venus de Milo. " :D

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