Sunday, October 23, 2005

Free Bird

There are times that a song can affect your life... Really affect your life... Enormously...

Let me start at the preamle... ;)

There was a time not too long ago... that I was free and unencumbered... I didn't have physical weaknesses and I didn't have any doubt in my abilities whatsoever...

Then one day, I decided to ride... It didn't matter that I'd already done the trip on a lesser steed... I wanted to do my first long trip on my spirited one... And nothing you could think of would stop me... not even fate... so I thought...

It was just another day... but a decidedly different one... I'd decided, with Tum, to ride to the hills where we'd spent such happy times together not an year earlier.

Wham!!! My fault... Luckily my faithful steed could take a lot of punishment... so could Tum... I'd had a horrific accident... I'd twisted my foot all the way around so that it fractured...and dislocated... and tore my ligaments...

You don't know what that makes an ex-basketball-player feel like... looking at people walk... when you can only dream of it for a couple of months.... I'd slowly heal... but would I ever fly....

I remembered that I'd started jogging before I'd had that accident... I'd jogged every morning to the sounds of "Free Bird"...

Punish Me!

1 comment:

Brown Weed said...

a snippet I came across a few days ago - reminded me of you (and the 10kmph speed limit)

Life may begin at 30, but it doesn’t get real interesting until about 120