Saturday, December 24, 2005

Satirical Religion

So that Kansas state shit was over ruled. The judge said that teaching "intelligent design" was a just a subvertive way of teacinng "creationism", and the hoorays from my side were aplenty.

I've a saved post that I'm not going to post, that delves heavily into the realm of religion as such (and mostly its bad aspects). I'd later posted the Pastafarianism entry instead. But Now I think some of those viewpoints need to come out into the open.

Question 1: Do I believe in God? Yes, I do. But not in the same way that most people who believe in Him do. I don't, for example, believe in a God that looks like a Human Being (notice caps). I instead believe in a non-functional God. I believe that for starting the universe, one needs a God. Because I believe in causality. Basically, I exist, the earth exists, the solar system exists, the particular arm of the galaxy exists, the galaxy itself exists, neighbouring galaxies exist, the universe exists. What started the universe? God. Yeah, yeah, yeah... the strong anthropic principle... but still... I've read enough from "A brief history of time" to know the difference, and to know the theories involved in not requiring a God for me to exist. But still, that thought is comforting... that there's somewhere that the buck stops and that I can stop thinking further.

Question 2: Does God believe in me? No. I am what I've made myself. I can't let lose my follies on to Him. Neither will I accord to Him my greatnesses (if and when I have any). I am content, in the realization that if anything needs to be fixed, I'll have to fix it. And that while Hiesenberg's Uncertainity Principle will continue to throw a rod in my spokes, it is far more probable that it will pass straight throug.

Question 3: Will it end?
I hope so!!! Something, sometime (a billion years from now?) needs/wants to end this just because It is tired (Notice the pronoun used). But the question to really bake ones noodle about this is whether you, I, or anybody else for that matter, will be around to witness it. Most creationist philosophies start with the creation of Man, and end with it. I find that extremely forbidding. What, for example, will happen to the White Mice then?

Quesion 4: Will I go to heaven? Regrettably yes. And unfortunately, so will all the others. While it makes me wonder what happens to one after he/she/it dies, it does seem an awful waste to just turn all that energy into entropy. I'd rather something happened with all of it... like heaven :). So everyone goes to Heaven. Even the rapists. The good thing is that they are all sad there :).

Question 5: Is Christmas for real? Ofcourse it is. So is Diwali, and Id and Buddha Jayanti (especially that one). We all need our pound of vacation time don't we?

So you still think that God will/has anything to do with anything. Of course He does. Who do you think keeps the roll call up there :).

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