Sunday, February 12, 2006


It has become an everyday thing, I guess. I prefer to wake up around half an hour after Tum. (Background story: I drop her off to college everyday, so my in-time in office is linked to the time of her first lecture). Even with my unusually long (half an hour) toilet routine (that's how long it takes me to finish reading the news), I can get ready in 40 minutes. Tum takes half an hour longer.

"Why?", you might ask. Well, its the creams. And moisturisers, and foundations, and brushes and selecting what to wear!!! I know these things are the culprit because I know someone else who takes just as long to get ready (ring a bell Nikhil? Okay, no brushes and foundations, but definitely more creams ;) ).

"So we take some care to groom ourselves!" And I'm branded as uncouth and as having no sense of what's good-looking.

Creams, its the creams. The unholy God of tardiness resides in its moist innards. And He casts a spell on all people who are otherwise good, making them forget that they have classes to attend!

Give me a can of deo anyday... and a newspaper :).


Anonymous said...

liar!liar!she uses no creams other than moisturisers.and she does not take that much time getting ready.she must be spending time feeding the cats and feeding the big boy( if he wld have bf).

Anonymous said...

liar!liar!she uses no creams other than moisturisers.and she does not take that much time getting ready.she must be spending time feeding the cats and feeding the big boy( if he wld have bf).