Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Google AdSense

I've seen enough get rich quick ads on tv now that if I'd subscribed to 5 of them for around $100, I'd be sitting in a pile of money... apparently... special marketing techniques, second selling, smart selling on ebay, the list is endless...

The thing that tempted me most was Google AdSense. Just register my blog on their site, and I'd get payments for the number of clicks on the textual ads displayed on my blog. I was so tempted. Nothing much to do, Google will do all the work, and I get money for making entries in my blog. Whoa! so cool. There has to be a catch somewhere.

I did some research. I found out that one of the first things that I'd have to do is write content that would attract people to my blog. That means that I'll have to write stuff that doesn't really fit in with what I originally wanted to write my blog for. Oh I can go on and on about REM bullets, or start placing reviews about every single thing I buy. But for now the effort doesn't seem worth it... Maybe some day I'll feel otherwise, and find interesting stuff for filling my blog with... I can review the laptop that I've bought, the camera that I'm going to buy, or that mp3 player... I can put up stuff about my car, or the nice places to eat in Oakland... come to think of it I can write stuff like that, which will be genuinely useful to other people...

Come to think of it the idea does sound interesting... and I might start doing just that, but right now I don't want to earn money from it... maybe I don't want to raise my expectations and be disappointed with the results later... I might start doing it once I see how many people visit my blog... I wish I had some way of doing that.

For now at least Google AdSense is a nono...

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