Friday, November 11, 2005

Real life drama

Life just took a turn for the unsavoury. My wife, back in India, told me 2 hours back that some idiot has been stalking her on the phone.

It makes you feel kind of weary to have to deal with such things. Testosterone and adrenalin flowed and I started shaking. The fellow made the ghastly mistake of making the call from a mobile phone. I was livid, to say the least... but atleast I had his number.

Nikhil told me a couple of days back that his uncle had become a high ranking official in the crime division of the Pune Police. My dad himself is a retired Assitant Commissioner of the Police. This was going to be good. Its good to have teeth when you want to bite.

I called the fellow. It must've helped that the call was being made from the US. I informed him very politely that his phone was being used to harass my wife, and given that I had the teeth to do so (told him of my connections), I told him that he'll be in a lot of trouble if it continued. The fellow was admittedly confused (and hopefully scared) and professed ignorance about the issue. Kind of said that maybe his brother was doing it. I told him that it wasn't my problem who was doing it. The person owning the phone will be in a lot of trouble for it.

I do wish such things didn't happen in life. Especially when one isn't around to take care of it :(. The latest news is that he's called twice more but cut the line when my wife picked up the phone. I've told Nikhil to take care of it if Tum calls him up. He can talk with a lot more menace in his voice than I can (I don't sound very good over the phone). Boy the fellow picked the wrong destination to make a crank call to.

I'll update as things happen, but it's taken care of for now, I hope. More later.

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