Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Of cheating, relaxing, walking and Pastafarianism

So there's an offbeat topic. That earlier entry of mine was so that I won't forget my second best weekend in the US (the best will be the next one... GOF!!!).

Of cheating :). I'll start this topic with saying that I have no guts for cheating. I mean cheating for exams types of cheating. I'm not saying that I have guts for other types of cheating, but this is the one I'm going to concentrate on. There are 4 kinds of people wrt cheating:
1. Those who cannot cheat (these are also the ones who can't lie convincingly).
2. Those who will not cheat.
3. Those who will not cheat and won't tolerate cheating.
and, 4. Those who can cheat.

Now, before the flame starts, I'm not advocating cheating in exams. To all of you who think that the education that you're getting in Indian universities are helping you, or will help you, best of luck, and lots of good wishes (not being sarcastic, instead overflowing in admiration). I'm like the majority of people, I guess. I can't cheat in an exam. I'm not boasting, but I've found that when I write down the stuff in tiny handwriting, on a small piece of paper, by the time I'm done, I already have it memorized. So it is both stupid and futile for me to cheat. There are others like my friend Santosh, who were academic enough to think that people who cheat at exams are actually eating a pie that they don't deserve.

I have my own views. I, like a lot of people, think that the entire system of setting examinations where you have to display your knowledge by writing(!) down and reproducing information in the textbooks is farcical. And believe me, its not that I cannot score exams. I've perfected the art to such an extent that I could study just enough to get within 5 marks (either ways)of what I needed (not desired, needed).

I have seen a master as well. I shall not name names, it will suffice to say that I know him very closely, and that I admire his trade. He was smooth. That was his biggest accolade. Where others would spend nights studying, trying to cram just enough to pass exams, he'd be designing his weapons (I like the word designing here). And the delivery was smooth. And he'd share them when he was done with them (reduction photocopies). Its fun to watch. That's where I got the idea that it takes guts to cheat. His very smoothness. Hats off. Here's a link on wikipedia for more about cheating in exams.

So its decided. This time, when I get back home, in Jan, there'll be no Goa. I and Tum are planning for Ooty. For a long time, I've had this mindset that a beach is necessary for relaxing. Now I think, maybe not. There's a lot to be said about a good place high in the sky. The rolling hills and mountains replace the sandy beaches, and the valleys offer the same kind of what we call 'sukoon' in Hindi (peace) as the continuously crashing, hypnotic, waves of the sea. Maybe some snow... snuggling up later after a few (or a lot, you never know) drinks in the balcony overlooking the valley. I'm already at peace, halfway there anyways.

One of my buys at Great Mall, was a pedometer. I've wanted one for a year, and as soon as I saw one at a sports shop, I had to have one. Result, I know that today, in one day, I did 13325 steps (for a step size of 80cm, that's 10.66kms). That felt good. In their little fitness booklet, they were recommending a target of 10000 steps per day for a beginner level (3-5 weeks to reach). My count is at an intermediate level. Next target 17500 steps. I used to jog at one time. I can't really jog until I reduce some weight. But I suspect I've lost 3kgs already, since I've come to the US. At least the belt feels that way, and for me, the belt is the ultimate health reporting tool :).

For as long as I can remember (read: as long as I have thought), I've been anti-religion. I have a lot of respect for Buddhism, which I regard as a predecessor for the Three Laws of Robotics, but other than that, I am of the opinion that all religion has outlived its (collective) usefulness. This is basically because of a trait in almost all religions to undergo a metamorphosis into a territory.

I can't say I was particularly concerned about the decision by the State of Kansas to teach intelligent design as a part of the curriculum, but that's mainly because of my Indian background and of the predominantly Hindu society that I lived in.

My first revelation was when my teenage Muslim neighbour in Srilanka told me that that they had two relighons that they followed (Islam and Christianity, odd no?). I've probably been anti-religion ever since, because that was when I first started thinking on my own.

So my religion of choice? Pastafarianism, or more commonly called 'Flying Spaghetti Monsterism'. Its fun, and it makes fun. Read about it if you are so inclined at Pastafarianism.

Or maybe: May the horse be with you ;).


Sumit said...


Well I belong to the 4th category. But I would further classify people who can cheat into 2

Those who have to cheat otherwise they will fail, as their brain is incapable of remembering things

Those who can remember things but want to cheat as they think its going to be really fun and what if they forget things (By Chance)

Well I belong to the later.

I used to cheat like hell. But my motive was to figure out how difficult will it be to cheat and cheat means, cheat the god damn entire exam

To be noted (Mumbai local train commuters)
How is that the TT catches people traveling without tickets with a success rate of more than 90%. There are millions traveling, but he very distinctly points out his preys.

Its just that, when you do something wrong, you know its wrong and your body language un intentionally changes and there are expert TTs as well as exam invigilators to go read these subtle signs.

But again, one can never deny a huge lucky factor.

CA paper
I cheated from Manjit’s sheet, I inturn made 20 other people cheat from mine

All passed except me.

That’s y I strong say LUCK FACTOR J

Storm said...

what? only you cheated from my paper? !! You were sitting behind me when I gave you my answer sheet. When I got it back I got it from the front!!!

Sumit said...


Dude those days were excellent.

Storm said...

You bet they were. You remember the time Vishal said I'm copying to the invigilator, and you took it to mean that the invigilator condones it? That still makes me laugh every time I think of it... :))