Monday, November 28, 2005

So a plan is afoot

I, Aatish, Amol, Nikhil and Pramtu have planned it now. 1st week of Jan we'll have a marathon movie week. We spent 3 hours chatting about it on a Yahoo! conference, and the list is here. That also means that I'll be able to rent the movies and watch them all beforehand so that there's nothing to miss. Anyways here's the list:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Thirteenth Floor
3. American Pie
4. Identity

Some other probables are (these are my personal favorites, haven't discussed them yet):
Antwone Fisher
Amelie of Montmartre
2001 - A space odessey
Lord of the Rings - Return of the King

We'll be adding more movies as we go along. This is going to be a good party. Hope for the best guys.

P.S. Tum and Nikhil (Khade) I've already counted in. Subject to your approval of course. Pst... there'll be booze and food as well :D.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tum,

If the first week of the semester is anything to go by, I'll probably be on some godforsaken project or maybe even studying:((! So you can have lots of bachelor fun without me "tungofying" off your arm..haha

The newest citizen of Nerdland

Sumit said...

I heard ppl saying MOVIES

1. The Last Samurai
2. Usual Suspects
3. We Were Soldiers
4. The Ring
5. King Arthur
6. Constantine
7. Day Of The Jackal
8. Enemy At The Gates
9. Taxi Driver
10. Hot Shots 2