Tuesday, November 22, 2005

No, 24 more days!

I need a vacation! The last one I had was around the 2004-'05 transition. And this is coming from a guy who's used to two vacations a year :(. Soon, soon...

Anyways, happy things are happening to me. My time to leave the USA is coming closer. Only 23 more days to go :) (24 to get home). I'd never have thought I'd feel that way, but 11 weeks is simply too long to be away from one's wife and home. Maybe it works for others, but not for me.

Things will start looking up as soon as I get there, I guess. I'll meet Tum. I'll meet the cats. I'll be home. Same old familiar streets. I'll drive, not be driven around. I'll go out and booze (aaaahhh), have friends around. I'll go visit my old colleagues, in their new office :), ride my bike, eat real food (indian chinese, slurp). I'll have rum that tastes like rum, beer that tastes like Kingfisher. Boy, am I going to have a great time.

Pot-holes the size of craters (I'll be wishing them off soon enough, but for now :) ), lunch that's not a bother. I'll go out for a ride, and see scenery without windows. I'll talk to a real person in the night, instead of a keyboard. I'll have real heat around instead of the pathetic excuse for a sun. Blue skies that I'll thank for not raining. Watch movies with intervals, and creative advertising (My apologies, Capital One).

As you can see, I'm getting extremely nostalgic and homesick right now. I'm on the verge of going around talking to myself, asking, are we there yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
