Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I don't want to blog today

Try as I might, I can't think of anything to write. I thought out all the things that happened today, and there was nothing. Nothing happened today. I walked to office. I walked back. Must've passed around a thousand(?) people on the way, and I can't remember a single face. There were the every day sights:
  • The gold teeth place. I don't think I'll ever see another shop with posters of men showing off, no blaring, their gold incisors and canines at the general public through the shop front. P.S. they also serve steaks.
  • The music shop. The guitars lined up, and a drum set in the window. I want to stop and look at them, but I'm always in a hurry. There's an acoustic for $99.
  • The newspaper girl. This 14 year old offers me a newspaper everyday at that particularly big corner, and I never take it. I wonder why.
  • The green building. It has the outside made out of green marble. That's where I turn right :).
  • Starbucks. There are old people sitting outside the place, French cafe style. Loads of time on their hands. I'm late for office. Sad.
  • The 24 hour gym. And apparently its common for people to work out at 3 in the morning.
  • The produce shops. They are actually warehouses, but sell fresh fruits and veggies between 9 and 11 in the morning.
  • The bar at the corner. I want to go there for like for ever, but alone? Maybe with a good book. I bet they have good food too.
  • The BART entrance. It seems I'm always walking right behind a bunch of people (around 20) when I leave office, and suddenly they walk into the ground. Looks like the earth swallowed them.
  • China-town. The atmosphere always changes here. People are busier, and everyone seems to be buying veggies :-s.
  • The Citibank place. This is always crowded. Three bus stops back to back, and very few white people around, almost like they avoid it.
  • The BART police parking place. I see that car on my way back everyday, with no one in it. Parked near a corner too. Very dangerous.
  • The glass lane. That's near my office, there's always broken automobile window glass along the footpath, near the parking meters. You'd think that once things were stolen, people would stop parking there.
  • Under the freeway. One side is public parking, and the other side is police parking. The Police station is right opposite the other side. Very noisy, even the music doesn't keep the noise out.
  • The freeway crossing. Depending on which side of the road you are on, you have 50 secs to cross a 10sec crossing, or 25 secs to cross a 20 sec crossing. Crazy.
  • The dark street. That's the street where I live. Where the produce warehouses are. Very dark in the night.
I guess that's all I can remember. I might take photographs to explain some of those. Will post them tomorrow. Bye.

P.S. To those who don't know, my new camera is in. Maybe I should do a review.
P.P.S. BART==Bay Area Rapid Transport == Local train with cusioned seats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome. This seems to be your last resort to get out of your company sponsered "boriyath" :)

Keep writing